Raspberry Pi 4
Note: I no longer own one to test and they're hard to source!
Last tested version was 0.99.8
Port Layout
Restarting on large downloads or livestream test
Indicates poor power supply, use the official RPi power supply or a 5.3V adapter and a USB-PD Type-C cable.
Red LED flashing erratically
Indicates poor power supply.
Unable to connect to "SmoothWAN Setup" SSID
Setup in close proximity to the Pi, signal is not an indicator to use.
Cause: RPi's internal Wi-Fi "ACK-drop" interval is very short and not adjustable.
For maximum stability, you can reduce power consumption as well as performance (~180-Mbit) by editing config.txt
in SD and adding arm_freq=1000
at the end of the file.